10 Tips to Stay Optimistic

The people living on earth can be classified in two large categories: the optimistic and the pessimistic. Optimists possess a clear vision of an exciting life, confidently work on goals to achieve their vision, and take self-responsibility. An optimistic attitude can play a big part in boosting the immune system to fight off illnesses while giving you strength to get through the rough times. They are generally healthier, have stronger hearts, and tend to live longer.

Having a positive attitude in whatever you do will make things easier, and even more enjoyable. There are many ways in which you can develop a more positive outlook and begin to change how you think and feel. Here are a few techniques to reshape your thoughts:
  1. Avoid negative people: Misery loves company and negative people will try to make you feel miserable as they are and will constantly remind you of how bad things are. Surround yourself with positive people as they can give you advice and tips on how to stay positive and think more optimistically. When you associate with positive people this will give you a more positive attitude as well.
  2. Think positive thoughts: Insert a little positive thought or memory into the big picture. People become pessimistic when they focus their mind on the impossibilities. Negative attitudes come from negative thoughts that come from reactions to negative behavior. So focus your mind instead on the possibilities. Thinking positive can make you appreciate the positive experiences that you have already had and look forward to the future.
  3. Exercise: Exercise is vital to health and happiness. It elevates endorphin levels and is a powerful tool in enhancing your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
  4. Have positive conversations: Don't let your conversations turn negative. Do anything to keep the message in your conversation positive.
  5. Pray: By praying or meditating, you connect to a supernatural force that can give you the strength you need. Keeping the faith alive and kicking will renew one's zest for living.
  6. Be grateful: Gratitude attracts positive energy. By being grateful you develop a positive mood and feel more enthusiastic towards what comes next, thus helping towards maintaining a positive attitude. So take the time to feel grateful for something.
  7. Smile: Make it a point to smile all day, everyday. Science has proven that smiling improves your mood, increases pleasure, and suppresses pain both emotionally and physically.
  8. Do something you like: Doing something you enjoy will raise your spirits and allow you to maintain a positive attitude.
  9. Read positive affirmations: Affirmations are sayings, verses or other short pieces that have a positive influence. Sit down right now and write them on a sheet of paper. Use sticky notes to paste them around your home and office. Using an affirmation daily can perk up your attitude in an instant.
  10. Eat healthy: There is much to be said for 'Healthy Body, Healthy Mind'. Eat a healthy diet of fruit, vegetables, whole grains and protein. Drink plenty of water and juice. You can even have a small piece of chocolate once in while as it can increase endorphin levels, reducing stress.
These are just a few ways for you to keep your outlook on life positive in all types of trials and ups and downs that we all face. Keeping close to friends and families as well as always having an optimistic outlook on life will improve your quality of life, and therefore happiness.


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